Resep Roti Winace For Mac

2020. 3. 22. 17:48카테고리 없음

  1. Resep Roti Winace For Mac

Bila berbicara tentang sup, makanan yang satu ini pasti identik dengan makanan berkuah dan hangat, dengan bahan-bahan berupa sayuran, daging, kuah kaldu atau beberapa jenis kuah yang lain yang bisa dijadikan pilihan. Pada dasarnya, sup dibedakan menjadi 2 jenis yaitu sup kental yang menggunakan kuah creme dan sup bening yang menggunakan kaldu seperti ayam, seafood ataupun daging.Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu terdapat berbagai kreasi olahan sup yang bisa di modifikasi atas nama kreatifitas ataupun selera. Setiap negara di dunia memiliki ciri tersendiri dalam menghidangkan sup mereka. Untuk bangsa Eropa atau America, mereka masih sering menggunakan sup dengan texture kental dan creamy, dan tetap menggunakan roti sebagai pendamping hidangan. Untuk bangsa Asia, seperti Indonesia dan Thailand, sup masih identik dengan kuah kaldu seperti sup ayam dengan berbagai sayuran atau sup tom yam dengan kuah pedas asam. Orang Amerika percaya bahwa dengan menghirup aroma sup yang masih mengepul panas bisa menyembuhkan influensa, tapi kita percaya bahwa semangkuk sup yang di buat dengan ketulusan dan cinta bisa menghangatkan hati dan membahagiakan bagi mereka yang menyantapnya. Dari kepercayaan itu didapat dari filosofi tentang sup yang hangat dan mendamaikan suanana hati, layaknya seorang ibu yang memasak dengan cinta untuk anak-anaknya.30 Kreasi Sup Lezat ini pun dibuat untuk mereka yang ingin belajar memasak dan ingin menghidangkan kedamaian dalam keluarga dalam semangkuk sup untuk keluarga.

Terdapat 30 kreasi sup yang siap di coba, dan dilengkapi dengan resep lengkap dan gambar beresolusi tinggi yang bisa diakses melalui iPad. Semua resep yang di tawarkan dalam aplikasi ini telah di uji sebelumnya dan bisa di share melalui jejaring sosial seperti Facebook ataupun Twitter.

Amma used to call Roti (chapati) ‘handmade bread’. This tortilla like flat bread is usually served with meat or vegetable curry but in our home it was mostly served with Sugar Beans Curry or Kidney Beans Curry and often with butter and jam at tea time. We did not eat roti very often, if we did it was usually on Monday's (our primary day of abstinence from meat) or on cold rainy days when Amma could not be out in the garden -therefore having time to make roti. Amma’s roti or handmade bread as she called it-was the best roti I've ever had. Not only was it delicious but it was also soft. She used to often say roti should be so soft yet flaky that one could 'peel and eat it'.

Resep Roti Winace For Mac

The secret to Amma's soft roti was threefold - her ingredient ratios, rolling and cooking technique. First off she used ' boiling hot water', water taken from the kettle as soon as it boiled. Apart from this 'secret ingredient' she had strict rules for cooking the roti - 'The first side must be half cooked-then turn-then half cook-then turn twice more to fully cook. The bread must come up otherwise it won't be cooked properly and make sure you press the sides'. How to Make Round Roti Amma always rolled her roti in near perfect circles. This must have something to do with her special technique of rolling the dough into a roll then slicing into cylinders which when pressed form near perfect circles. The rolling pin (pictured in this post) was one of Amma's prized possessions ( older than I am it is 33 years old!).

Amma always took great care not to immerse it into water- saying that it would rot. Instead she always wiped it clean with a damp clothe then dried it thoroughly before putting it away.its no wonder its aging as gracefully as I am:) To make soft Roti like Amma used to make, you will need flour, hot water (just boiled), sunflower oil, a tablespoon of butter, a rolling pin and thawa or heavy based frying pan. I don't own a thawa- a non stick frying pan works just as well. Once a soft dough is achieved. Cover the dough with a dishcloth or with your mixing bowl turned over it. Let the dough rest for about 5 minutes while you prepare the butter and heat the pan. I leave the pan on low heat while I am rolling the rotis then turn up to high heat a minute or two prior to cooking the rotis.

4.Melt the butter then return to the dough. Break off a small piece of about 8cm diameter then roll into a large circle shape. Take the melted butter or ghee then spread over the circle shaped dough.